
Radio Station WTCC-FM is governed by a WTCC Advisory Board, a committee of the 十大彩票平台 校董会 that reports directly to the 十大彩票平台 校董会.

The WTCC Advisory Board makes recommendations to station management on programming issues and other important station 政策 and practices.

Area residents who are members of WTCC 90.7 FM, the radio station of Springfield Technical 社区 大学 are elected to positions on the 站板 to serve two-year terms. The station is staffed, and programs are hosted, by volunteer members from the region, many of whom have been on the air for many years.

WTCC Advisory Board

The WTCC Advisory Board, appointed by the 十大彩票平台 校董会, includes representatives from the community, 车站, and the 十大彩票平台 faculty. Current members are:

WTCC representatives

(elected by station members)

  • 安德鲁·凯德 Business Director, WTCC
  • 拉奎尔Obregon, WTCC


  • 约翰•Wakelin Co-Chair, Digital Media Production Department
  • 戴维斯约翰逊, Professor of English, Advisor, Tech Times (student newspaper)


  • 詹妮弗·麦克尼尔公司、椅子
  • 斯蒂芬·N. 卡里 is 车站 manager and executive producer at FOCUS Springfield 社区 Television.


  • 斯科特•Laudani General Manager, WTCC
  • 弗雷德•Krampits Chief Engineer, WTCC


Area residents who are members of WTCC 90.7 FM, the radio station of Springfield Technical 社区 大学, are elected to positions on 车站 board of directors, to serve two-year terms. The station is staffed, and programs are hosted, by volunteer members from the region, many of whom have been on the air for several years.

  • General Manager – Scott Laudani
  • Program Director – Kevin Spivey
  • Business Manager – Andrew Cade
  • Administrative Secretary – Vanessa Lyons
  • PSA Director – Cynthia Butler
  • Production Director – Deloris Mumin
  • 通信 Director – Moyah Smithy
  • Station Engineer – Fred Krampits